Venetian Deep Stack III Events 27 & 28
(insert witty "Intro Text (Required)" here. WTF why is it required? Sometimes I don't want a subtitle. Bad news: I didn't do anything.Good news: I busted before dinner break both times.
Last two days were a tale of two different tournaments. Thursday was the $500+50 NLHE. 40 min levels, blinds 25-50 with all the normal levels (and reduced ante... going 100-200/25 to 200-400/25 instead of 50) and 10k in starting chips. Really fun structure actually. I played so freaking good. Like sick scary good actually. I was making moves that I didn't even know I was capable of, and I was really surprised at the accurate reads I was picking up after being off the live horse for so long. I even almost limp-re-raised the small blind once, but I thought it may be too fancy... we'll get to that hand in a sec.
I came out of the gates guns blazin. By the first break I had 22k and had only seen one showdown - and that was for a small pot. Very proud. In that period I 3 bet Q4o (won on flop), check-raised the flop or turn vs. pre-flop aggressors three times (all check-raises uncalled), and picked up almost every pot I opened with a c-bet. It was some sweet steamrolling.
They move me tables, and I continue cruising, but this time I get screwed in a couple of spots that were pretty silly. One, I bet the flop for 975 (like , and this dude puts in 525. Flop is Q 5 4 , I have 5 4. Dealer informs him that it was 975, he makes a stink saying that he wouldn't have called and that the dealer should call the action better (cause we all know that 1 purple, 4 blacks, and 3 greens looks very similar to 1 purple or 5 blacks and one green). Anyways, turn 8x, I bet 1800, he says, "Well now you have me in this far," I think please don't give this dude with the 9 or whatever another diamond. X on the river, I check, he checks. He says, "Two pair?" I say, "Two pair?!? What the crap two pair! I flopped bottom two and it has remained bottom two. Lemme see."
He shows me 8 4 . He was not in the blinds. I was in the big blind. Sigh.
Next hand goes out to Fruitkin. I open UTG+1 w/AQ or whatever. I get called from the big blind. Flop 422r. He checks, I c-bet like 60% pot, he calls. Turn x, check, check. River x, check, check. He rolls over 72o. No joke. I LOL. Literally. I can't help myself, and chuckling I ask, "Two questions. One, if you call that, what do you fold? Cause I've seen you fold your big blind before. And second, why?"
He says, "Implied odds, obviously."
Mind you he's like 25 bb's deep with 15k. I LOLed again.
So, shortly after that hand, this really interesting spot came up. Woman, good looking, early thirties, blonde, white chick, sits down to my left in the 6 seat. I say, "Hi!" She says, "Ohh, don't get to know me too well! I only have this many!" She has 1875, it's her big blind at 300/600/50. She makes it clear that she's going all-in this hand. This is how great live poker is. Seriously, I didn't realize until this last week after playing 4 mos online how bad people are live compared to online. It really is astounding. First three peeps under the gun limp. First thought through my mind: "OMG... it would be so sweet to get a hand here so I can limp re-raise the field from the small blind." As I think this, one more guy limps, it's my turn in the small blind, and I look down to find: A K .
Now what creative bastard?
I really believe that AK is the best hand to do this with too, for the simple reason that seeing a limped flop 6 ways with AK is exponentially less criminal than with any decent pair. I suppose that 55-88 would be decent hands to do it with also though... anyways, after about fifteen seconds of deliberation I decided to just make it 4k myself and take the dead limper money now, rather than take a whack at an extra 1200 per caller. My first thought was the mid 30's white chick stereotype, that if she can check she's gonna in this spot. I decided that there was too much risk in losing the 5k or so in dead money already out there (counting her 1825) to risk trying to get the extra 2bb's outta the limpers. My standard play in this spot is to stop-n-go anything that I don't mind juicing the pot with so that hopefully I get a little fold equity rather than just wanting to get it in. But then I thought and... with 5 limpers, none of whom are folding, is it better to get 5-1 on your last 1200 with any two cards or is it better to have some fold equity/escape the worst flops?
Beats me. What do you think?
Anyways, I raised, the guy who never folds but hits everything like 84o on Q54 monotone flops, called, and we checked it down board reading 543, 9, 2, my wheel beating her 94o and whatever the hell that guy had.
OK. Next level, 400-800/75... move me to a new table. Bryan, meet Kent. I didn't learn that his name was Kent until today, when I found him sitting on the same table in the same seat with a ginormous stack and played several hours with him. Super nice gentleman and I truly had a pleasure conversing with him throughout the past two days. He certaintly enjoyed it more on this day though after this hand. Young guy with chips opens under the gun to 2100. I call on the button with 30k. Kent calls out of the big blind. Both have me covered, all are above average in chips. Flop 7 6 3 . Kent leads for 4k. I count his stack, estimate about 22k total, and make it 15k+cheese. Kent goes all-in, I'm obv calling, and he has the top end of his range, J J , and that's just fine. The pokerstove numbers have me at a 47/53 disadvantage, which I'm plenty fine with. I think the rest of his calling range is 88-TT and maybe an A7, and maaaybe 76. I knew that he wasn't betting a set or a draw cause that's not his style, confirmed today. My mistake on the hand, which I gave you a hint on in here, is his stack size. He had me covered pre-flop, and I was just shy of 30k, and then on the flop I estimate him at 22k total, thus making getting it in the obvious play (shoving v raise/calling like i did, doesn't matter, I just raised like I did because I wanted it to look stronger). Anyways, the board bricked out, I asked how much, and when I heard "30+K" I said, "What?!?!?" Oops... gg me. I felt pretty silly actually, but on the walk out I was fine with it even if I knew stack sizes by the time I got to the car, and then a couple of phone calls later I confirmed that also.
Got in the truck, fought traffic down koval, through the tunnel, onto the 215, and then all the way to this new joint called "Gyro Express". It's the nuts. They had flyers for a beer pong tournament tonight, $20/team, all money goes to prize-pool, and free beer to players . Wow. They'd be in trouble if they were closer to UNLV. Take it to go, love the food, and pretty much don't leave the couch. I was planning on writing this blog last night but then "Mass Effect" happened (I love/hate you Dutchie)(not a pun)(Mass Effect is a sci-fi RPG).
Pass out, wake up before 1045am alarm (wtf?!?), head to the bank, withdrawl $4500 which takes an eternity because they're trying to figure out what the heck the $5k check without any identification is from (any of y'all get checks from internet poker sites know exactly what I'm talking about... :-), I'm like what's taking so long it's a Wells Fargo check, and... yeah. My bank has to wonder about me. I mean seriously, I have used my atm card like once in the last two years, every cash withdrawl I make is for at least 4 digits, I have mysterious wire transfers coming in from backers that I usually withdrawl into cash within a couple days. Mysterious checks. In demoninations like $9500. Never over $10k. One time I walked in there with a metal bucket full of one dollar bills. It broke both cash counters. They had to do it by hand. $1046 worth. Dude asked me what I do, I said bartender (it was Jared's money, I don't remember why I was cashing it... think I needed to borrow some money or something so I had to do the legwork), but now they think I'm a bartender and keep making these huge transactions. Obv drug dealer.
My favorite story from the bank is when I discovered that banks don't have a lot of money at them. I see casino cage drawers with like $50k in em, I guess I have always assumed with all the bank robberies/movies + my casino cash experiences that banks have bank. So, when I waltz into Wells Fargo and ask for $23k cash before the 07 WSOP, they do the usual "Oh shit, $5k+ cash transaction" dance like they do almost every time I walk into the bank, and after about five minutes the manager tells me that they don't have the money. I laugh out loud, and say, kid you not, "Man, that's hilarious! Could you imagine if I was a bank robber? What a crappy day that would be! I'd be getting pissed thinking you were lying, shooting up the place, but you really don't have money!" The poor girl teller didn't realize that I was quite amused really and just heard "bank robber, crappy day, shooting up the place" and froze. The manager laughed though and all was fine. She informed me that she'd find a branch that had the funds.
Ten minutes later, she comes back and says the fourth branch has the money, and it's in downtown Henderson (not nice neighborhood). There they didn't want to give me the cash either. Teller says, "Ok, so I'll go get this $23k cashier's check."
"No, cash please."
"Why do you want that much cash? Lemme go get you this check."
"Lady, you're my bank. I need cash. If I take that check, I would just hand it back to you and ask for you to cash it."
"OK..................... ummmmmmmmm.......... are you sure?"
I just looked at her. She got me the cash after about 20 minutes.
And that has to be one of the most successful post hijacks via tangenting in the history of this blog.
So now you get the cliff notes from the 1k.
level 1-2 - nothing exciting, 11k
level 3-4, same, 7400
level 5-6, lotsa action, shoving, restealing, double through Kent three times, and the highlight. 3 limpers to me in BB, blinds 300-600, I have 36k and AKo, I make it 3600 total, first limper calls, both others fold. I'm new to table and say, "May I see your stack please?" Kid you not less than 7k. Thats correct, the ol "Limp-call 1/3 of your stack play from UTG+2." I laugh, go all-in in the dark, flop T9x, he taaaanks. I'm like, wtf.. What possible hand can you be tanking with here? He finally calls with KQo and rivers a Q. I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLED.
level 7, check-raised the flop with ten high, won, bled down to 19k at end of level, raised the last hand before dinner, had KTo but that didn't matter cause I always win the last hand before dinner, get called by the big blind flop T 7 6 , BB checks, I bet 3k, he makes it 9k, I put my last 15k total into the pot, he calls with 8 7 , turns an 8, and I obv brick gg me.
Had dinner with pbdrunks and TheNew, both awesome dudes. Got home, and here I am.
Peace and good luck,
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