Sunday, February 10, 2008

LAPC $1k+65 LHE Event #15 Final Table

Meh. Took 7th for $5400. Nice spontaneous payday, but pretty disappointing. When we hit 8 handed I was 2nd in chips. I then played a pot with the K6 guy from yesterday where he limped my big blind, I raised 66, he called. Flop 953. He checked, I bet, he raised, I called. Turn K. He bets, I raise, he calls. River 8. He checks, I check, he takes it down with 97. Whatevs, standard hand of limit holdem.


I was a strong 2nd in chips and only had 10 big bets. The structure was kinda silly and we were playing super shallow.

Anyways, I win and lose chips in small incriments but eventually building back up to 3rd in chips, then I play a strange hand with the never folds to me guy from yesterday that was pretty annoying.

I open playing 4k-8k with the average stack at 60k with AKo, guy that never folds 3 bets, and I just call (normally a 4 ball, but with stacks this shallow it's not worth the variance IMO). Flop KQJr, good news/bad news, I check, he bets, I just call, again normally a raise for same reasons but def not in this spot. Turn J, I check/call, river A, I check/call, he wins with AJo, a 70k pot. So, got short, doubled with AQ > K9, made a thin mistake against Max that prob cost me about 4k on average occourance, and then got it in when the limits went to 6k-12k with AQo v AKo and couldn't get there. It was a pretty annoying day to say the least, I had the cards to get there but a couple of key suckouts really ruined my day, and that's pretty frustrating that a key suckout like that will kill you with structures this shallow, but... now that I think about it I guess it's the same in no-limit, but instead of 2/3 of your stack it costs you the whole stack. Tournament poker is just gross really. It was also unfortunate that every time the shorties went in 8 and 7 handed, they doubled like 9/10 times, and I feel like I should have at least been able to make another pay jump or two. Oh well. Nothing I could do really.

It was fun though, I enjoyed all of my tables and had a pleasant time playing with Max and Randy. And really, you can't ever complain about making 4k in two days and 50k in a week :-).

Peace and good luck,


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