Monday, January 21, 2008

The Great 2008 Road Trip, Days 9-11

Whadda weekend... So, I took Thursday off, Tiff and I had dinner in what has become one of my favorite places anywhere here in Leavenworth, and really nothing else to report.

Friday we went into town and had breakfast as some awesome hippie breakfast joint (I love these places!). She took me back to work and went exploring. I started out hot, up $1500 in cash games and doing well in tourneys. Then the wheels fell off the bus and I lost the $1500 back and cashed in zero tourneys.

Saturday Tiff went up to Mission Ridge and I played the day schedule. I took 6th in the 100r on stars which was pretty disappointing as I was crushing the whole tournament with a huge chip lead. I made a mistake/got in a bummer spot on the final table and doubled up bigegypt. I opened pre w/KT 7 handed from the cutoff. bigegypt called on the button with a stack that should be shoving not flat calling. It was like 1/8 of his stack pre. The big blind called also and the flop came Kxx. BB checked, and I was in a weird spot. bigegypt had 100k, I had like 280k, and there was 40k in the pot. Normally it's getting in with top pair and these stacks, but his pre-flop call was so odd. I gave him 99-AA in his range which may be off. I reasoned that I'm not getting value from 99-QQ by betting, but the chips needed to get in, so check-raise all-in was my best line trying to get him to bluff with those hands. KK is pretty unlikely, and if he has AA so be it. I think though that he's not always betting here with 99-QQ, I have a T so TT's less likely, and losing 100k is a pretty good ding to my stack with the relative chip stacks on the table. I think better lines would have been bet/fold or check/fold. So, I got crippled (to just below average) and couldn't win a hand after that. GG me in 6th. for like 4400, I win 4k on the day after cashing in the ftp 100r also.

Saturday night was awesome. We went into town for thier Ice Festival. We had beer brats at an outdoor beer garden, I bought a stein with discounted refils (and uuuuuuuuuusssssed them), and then we ran into like 15 frat dudes from UW and one girl (her parents owned the cabin LOL). We ended up kicking it with them for about 5 hours and we had a blast. I felt like I was in college again... so much fun!

Sunday started out the grossest ever. I never had a chance in any tournament til the 4:30pm 100r. I had an avegage stack with 12k, got some info that a certain player was extremely LAG opening like every UTG with garbage, so when this villain with 20k opened to 2k and another 20k stack flatted, I thought it was a good spot to squeeze with 64s. He has AA obv.

Fast forward a couple hours, and all I have left going is the 200r. I'm in to the day for like $4600. Fortunately I'm chip leader in the 200r, but there's still 100+ players with 36 getting paid and me needing to take 8th to make money on the day. Fast forward a couple more hours, and I'm 3rd in chips with 12 left. I ran hot hot hot hot hot. I never lost a race, but I never sucked out either. Every chip I won was accumulated or won as a coinflip or better. I was very proud of that. Then I played a hand 6 handed vs. the 3rd in chips on my table. I had like 215k and he had like 125k with average at 150k. I have 88 on the button blinds 4k-8k, I open for 10k and he ships. Weird spot... I think I'm ahead slightly more than I'm behind, but I think he has AK/AQ a huge percentage of the time and ICM wise I shouldn't be racing there. Questionable, but I like it.

Little did I know though that I wouldn't see a better hand the rest of the tournament. With 10 left I played a race for half my stack w/AT<88, and that was the best hand I would see. I stole the blinds a few times, but busted w/K4 v KT when I open shoved the cutoff with 3.5 m's and 7 left. Sigh.

On one hand, I'm very proud that I'm cashing in these rebuyaments so consistently and getting in them for much less than I used to. These fields are the toughest online and that makes me feel good. That point however, plus the ol not running good on final two tables part, is largely the reason that I haven't finished better than 6th in one in 6 final tables last 6 weeks. People really just aren't giving it away deep in these things.

Anyways, we're headed back Tuesday. Tiff's sister's birthday is on Friday so we're gonna get back for that.

Peace and good luck,


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