Thursday, February 14, 2008


Happy Valentines Day y'all!

I'm currently laying on a king sized bed looking out over the Colorado River valley from the Avi Indian Casino about as far south into Nevada as geographically possible. Tiff and I decided to pop down here for Valentines Day. Not exactly the most romantic spot, but when you live in Vegas your non-casino destinations are rather limited. This place has a beach and a golf course and it's right on the river, so it'll do.

Actually, we're having a great time. We absolutely killed em at everything we touched except video poker last night. I talked her into playing a $25 tournament that started at 7pm. We were 2nd and 3rd alternates in a field of 40 and were in within the first eight minutes (LOL). I busted a guy on my second hand with 99>AJ on an J9x flop, when the betting went raise/call preflop, bet/all-in/call post-flop (stacks were reeeal deep... pause... NOT). Then a couple of minutes later, I hear the floorman teasing Tiff as she was stacking chips about, "Hustlin these guys? First time? Riiight... :-). Tiff simply won every pot she played which was pretty funny to watch. She played one hand where she limped UTG for like 1600 with blinds of 800-1600 and an average stack of 9k, small blind goes all-in for like 2400, BB calls, she calls, flop Axx, check-check, turn x, check, Tiff goes all-in, BB mucks, tiff has two red kings and they're good obv, and I just kind of laugh to myself. I think I was the only person at the table that noticed how awful a play it was, but at that point I reached a point of nirvana. It didn't matter if she played good or not - she was having a great time, and that made me happy - and a girlfriend that enjoys poker *has* to be better than one that doesn't with my profession. At seven handed our stacks were all pretty even, average stack was like 4 bb's, and in 5 minutes we were doubling the blinds again. We chopped it 7 ways for $137 each, and Tiffany is one of the few people in the world who has entered a poker tournament, won the maximum, and never busted lifetime. Good job girl!

I also saw something at that final table that I haven't seen ever before and I've been playing live poker since 1999. One guy goes all-in, both blinds call. All three hands make it to showdown, and they are the A{moscardsuit:ss} J{moscardsuit:ss} , A{moscardsuit:ds} 9{moscardsuit:ds} , and A{moscardsuit:ss} 4{moscardsuit:cs} . The guy with the AJ wins the main and is stoked. Then I say, "Woahhhhh... Those players have the same card!"

The dealer quickly tells me that he knows what he's doing. "No, I'm not talking about that, they have the same card! Look!"

"Listen, I'm going to chop this pot, and I don't need your help."

"No no no... I'm not talking about anything about that... (I stand up and physically grab both aces of spades, put them obv next to each other) LOOK!"

There was a good 3 seconds of silence. I was pretty amused with it all. They handled it well, gave everybody their money back, put time back on the clock, and play resumed. Sure woulda been funny to look down and see the A{moscardsuit:ss} A{moscardsuit:ss} .

In other poker news, I absolutely killed em last week. The sick thing is that I really did not run well on my final tables otherwise I would won like double what I did. I made six final tables last week netting a little over $75k on the week. 3rd in the FTP $1k for $47,400, 3rd in the Stars $50 + 1 rebuy and add-on, got it in on flop of 678 with 89 and was against K5, stacks about equal, score $3k. 7th in the LHE LAPC #15, y'all read about that already. 6th in the FTP Sunday Mulligan for $10k, losing KK to AK with 12ish left, then two races, then chopping A9 to A4, got it in bad vs two shorties and lost, and then got it in with a bad ace and lost that one too. That was pretty frustrating cause I was just crushing the entire tournament and then had the wheels fall off with two to go. Meanwhile during that one I was busy making the final table in the FTP 55k, taking 4th for $9k, getting it in with 98 on a 973 flop vs KJ, he immediately turns a J, stacks even again. I took 21st or something in the 200r at the same time also for $2k. I feel like there's something else in there but I forgot. Anyways, stoked, good run, I also got out of makeup in my cash games, and poker's so sick how one week can erase 5 months of BLAH.

Off to breakfast..

Peace and good luck,


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