Monday, July 03, 2006

Shipping it to the big time...

So my blog has been picked up. Pretty sick! Check this out, I'm on The link is HERE

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Day Six - Cash games


I suppose you had to figure this was coming. Make my biggest cash of my life, well, you knew the biggest loss was coming soon.

I entered today rested up and ready to take a shot at the bigger games. I went to the Rio at about 4pm ready to play some 100-200, and we started the game short with the biggest tilting maniac I've seen in a while, and naturally I win zero pots in 1.5 hours. I finally take one small one off him, and proceed to win only 1 more pot in the following 2 hours. However, after he left the game was EXTREMELY tough, and I should have left 1.5 hours into the session and taken the small loss. Instead I ended up getting buried for $7100, and finally made my escape before too much damage was done. Good news is that I'm pretty sure that I played everything well, so I can chalk up most of it to a cold deck.

I went and celebrated for night two with Brandon Cantu who took down event #2 for a cool three quarters of a million and a few endorsement deals. He is a friend of a few people I've met out here, and we made contacts and have been hanging. Good times. On the way out of the Wynn, where we went to Tyrst (which is the nuts!), I saw a juicy 75-150 mix game going. Three known donks and one pro sitting short handed. Long story short, I blew a quick $5550 in 5 hours, mostly due to running bad, but prop. 15-20% due to playing bad as well.

So, big piece of humble pie today. Blew 12.5k today... so, looks like it's back to the 30-60 grind, and try to cash in one of these next few events. That will be so huge for the meta-game (the business away from the table; also, the game beyond the hand/game). Today's event is #6, $2k NL. Should be a juicy one! Live updates will be here!


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