Saturday, September 01, 2007

Fantastic First Few in Washington!

Parlor Games and Epic Rides

Whoo, wheeee! What a sweet couple days it’s been already as I’ve hung out in the staging area that is Casa de Fuller north of Seattle by about an hour. I arrived Thursday night and we just chilled at the house. Friday I got to experience firsthand Rick’s flying lesson progress as I sat in the back seat of a Cessna 172 as we did touch and go’s at Payne Field (just south of the Boeing Plant, the biggest building in the world) and short and soft field takeoffs and landings at Harvey field. I’ve been fixin to take some flying lessons for a long time and was planning on starting this fall. I’m even more excited about it now! From there we went to dinner and then to a saloon. Angie met us there and Rick and I had the parlor games world series to decide who was paying for dinner. We decided on a game of pool, foosball, and original golden tee.

Pool: I break and sink + 1, Rick’s turn. I’m solid’s, he just saw me break a solid and sink a solid. He says, “I’m gonna try a combo.” I’m looking at his setup and say, “What to what?!?” He says, “The one to the roeifjo!” I was like, okay… He decided for some reason to try a combo on his first shot into my solid balls. Unfortunately he missed, but I still had ball in hand. He only got to stand at the table once more.

AHHHHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAH. I’m riding with Rick right now down to Angie’s place and just said out loud, “Wow. I didn’t realize how fast that game was last night. You only got two shots.” He responds, “No, I only got two real shots. I sank two balls on my first shot, and then gave you ball in hand on the second.”

“Wait, so you actually sunk two stripes BEFORE you went for my solids?!?” Hehehehe.

From there it was on to foosball, where he handed my ass to me on a plate. I got one lucky fluke goal and he smoked me 10-1.

Then, Golden Tee. If any of you have ever played with me you know I am a huge favorite in the best of three bet, and I even told Rick that I’m really good at Golden Tee, but this was the classic original I’ve never played it version. I beat him by something like eighteen strokes. He went on Golden Tee tilt at the end and screwed up some of my strokes and a bunch of his. It was amusing.

From there we went to see Superbad (again for me… first time since high school I saw a movie twice in the theatre, first time since Jurassic Park in the same week). So effing hilarious. Go. Now. Don’t bring anybody under 18.

Then we went to Rick’s uncle’s bar, and there should have been a sign on the door that said, “If this is your first time here you are most likely going to be the best looking person in the joint.” But, they had shuffleboard, and WOW this board looked pretty. Shiny black top on the wood buffed to a high gloss, very clean board, no warping, damage, or whatever.

But, I felt like I was being punk’d. The pucks just did things that they’re not supposed to do. Flying down the board they’d stop right in the middle when they should have went off the back. No patterns, no consistency, nothing. Frustrating. He got me back for the money lost on who was paying for dinner.

Back home, sleep, and I wake up to “Shh, I’m gonna put my nuts on Devo’s forehead.” If I was smarter I would have waited to acknowledge my consciousness until he was closer and naked and made sure he was conditioned to never think such thoughts again as I suddenly stretched with a clenched fist, but in stead I just opened my eyes to figure out what was going on. He was caught, I was confused. He said, “Wake up Devo. We have a big day ahead of us.”

We went on the sweetest bike ride I have ever been on. We went up the 5, west on some highway onto some island with some island on it (one of three in the world I heard… pretty cool!). An island on an island. Ocean, Island, Lake, Island. Cool. Past that that through Deception Pass, absolutely gorgeous, and all the way across Whidby Island where my good friend Lars grew up. From there to some ferry across the sound and back to Fuller’s house. Absolutely fantastic day.

Tonight a bunch of us are going out somewhere in Seattle and then hopping on a plane early in the morning to go hunt some bear!
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Peace and good luck,


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