Friday, August 10, 2007

Intersting dialogue in my comments

This all started back around the end of the series when I was getting deeper with these blogs and realizing that I need to adjust some attitude of mine...

Anon: Yes loser you need to make a lot of life changes. 1) Get a job; 2) Stop being such an arrogant ...

07.22.07 - 12:50 pm

Bryan Devonshire »LOLOLOLOL. Thank you for that insight.

07.22.07 - 3:08 pm

Anon: your welcome i am sure your dad would be proud of your productive lifestyle, hanging around other po ker junkies.

07.24.07 - 7:21 am

Anon: Bryan, That comment was low so my apologies. I feel slightly ashamed of myself I know how persona l tragedy feels, my mother died in an accident. I am going to put my thoughts more eloquantly. You are clearly an intellegent person, you writing shows that. Poker really isnt meant to be someones life work, the only people who will say otherwise are fellow poker players. The poker players have an interest in encouraging each other to play since it gives reassuarance to themselves their path must be correct. Poker is a very fun game, but it would be a very sad existence if it takes over you life (as it seems to have done). Ultimately you will find much more satisfaction from other things in life. You clearly have a talent at poker but this isnt the only thing in life you could be good at. I dont believe anyone will really find happiness constantly sweating the turn of a card.

07.24.07 - 8:26 am

Bryan Devonshire »First two comments deserve some F You's, but since you've already apologized for the really bad one in the middle I wasn't able to get pissed at you. I think there's a good life lesson for both of us here because I completely agree with you one hundred percent. The problem is that you think you know what I'm thinking and intend and that bias has influenced your attitude towards me. First off, poker is a way to make money. What difference is there really between working in poker to make some monies and working in any other pointless job to make monies? Second, poker is not only a game, but it is a community around the felt, around town, and around the country. I have met some incredible people in my several years of poker involvement. I have also met some not good people. But if you as a person can affect good in the lives of those you are around, then you are doing something good for the world, even if it's sitting around a poker table. Is this what I want to do forever? No. Is it he best thing for me right now? I think so.

07.24.07 - 5:54 pm

Anon: Bryan, I agree with you when you say "What difference is there really between working in poker to make some monies and working in any other pointless job to make monies?" The point has to be not to find a pointless a job. Sure playing poker for a living beats working at Burger King, but it far less fulfilling than many occupations. I love my job earn over 200k US a year (with excellent prospects of a salary increase) and work for myself all at the age of 29. Would I swap this for a life on the green felt? No way. It took me a lot of hard work and studying to get where I am, dont let time slip you by. I do play poker and am quite good at it (won a major tourn), but there is no way I would ever consider making it my life work. I once went to Vegas for a couple of weeks and finished up 10k, it was unhealthy towards the end of it that I was showing disdain for money.

07.25.07 - 5:43 am

(Personal edit: I didn't respond to this. Absolutely us poker players have a disdain for money. Is that a bad thing?)

New Anon: I guess we all have dreams. I wonder what Jesus would say about you wanting to make a career out of encouraging people to gamble but I'm not judging you. Still...

08.08.07 - 9:46 pm

Bryan Devonshire »Dear anon: A) If you think this is what I want to make my career, then you obviously haven't rea d any of this blog. I'm assuming you linked from wherever that was that said I am a player with a dream, etc, etc... B) How in the world am I encouraging people to gamble? I mean seriously. The games are going very strong downstairs here at the commerce with or without me. Actually in the long run, the games go longer WITHOUT me because I take (usually) money from the gambling economy! Christ calls us to be all things to all people and to be an example of him no matter where we find ourselves. This is the situation that I have found myself in, and I like it. The battle for me that I am wrestling very much with right now is how to be Christlike in an environment such as this one that I am in. Anon, I do not believe you at all that you are not judging me. It is judgment like this that pushed me and many others like me away from the church in the first place. You challenge me like you actually know my heart and my dreams but you don't care about me enough to learn the whole story, and you challenge me from behind a veil of anonymity. Please, please, please - stop believing that you are better than other people that you know nothing about simply because you feel that you lead a more Christian lifestyle than that person. That is the worst, most counter-productive evangelism that you could possibly perform. Devo

08.09.07 - 2:18 pm

Anyways, off to play the $500 LHE tourney at the bike today.

Peace and good luck,


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