Thursday, July 05, 2007

2007 WSOPoker, My End

.. It's been quite the past several days. I kinda got burned out on tournaments about a week ago after busting out of my 13th straight event, again in a somewhat dirty way. So, I took some time off, and then some life changing things happened and I took some more time off.

I'm chewing on a lot of things right now and don't really know what what to write about, but i've been thinking about some things regarding my life and poker, and I'm pretty disappointed actually. I think that in my quest to become one of the world's best poker players that I have been consumed by a quest to become famous. I think that I've felt that who I was wasn't somebody that wasn't supposed to be famous, and thus I've warped some of who I was. I used to be somebody who genuinely cared about people and did not care about money. I would hate to see myself end up like a player I know who since his successes has become too cool for the people that he knew. He is still super nice to his fans and loves to give autographs and all of that fun stuff, but he treats those of us that are not "fan" and not "friend" very poorly. I have noticed that I myself am very nice and friendly to my "fans", and of course cool with the friends that I do have, but I have managed to treat some old friends of mine very poorly along the way. I would hate for myself to ever end up at that point, and I have seen myself headed in that direction.

I need an attitude adjustment. I need to forget about myself and start thinking about others more. I think this will ultimately end up helping my poker game as well.

I need to get back involved with a Christian community. I have almost completely lost that aspect of myself.

Yeah. Been chewing on a bunch.

My backer is not putting me in the main-event or any other events in the forseeable future. I'm pretty annoyed by that as I found out about it a couple of days ago. I don't have a big enough bankroll to buy myself in (and still have it be a wise decision), so if any of y'all want to put me in, i'll play for 20% unless we work out some long term agreement.

I'm really itchin to get out and do some playing. I've played a few short sessions recently but have been interrupted in all of them.

Peace and good luck,


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