Monday, September 17, 2007

Borgata Poker Open WTP $9800+200 NLHE Day Two My Demise

Frustrated. Well, I'm pretty frustrated, mostly because I just had such a rough go at EVERYTHING today. I knew I needed to do some work as average was over 50k and I only had 18k. That help came on the second hand however when I got it all in pf with AKo and won a race against Eric Cajelas' QQ. Unfortunately, I couldn't get any momentum going at all. I had to pull out some creative tricks to even keep afloat, my personal favorite being a sick all-in go and go with the ol J3off.

So, at the start of the 600-1200/100 level I had 24,500 just hating life. Fourth hand? AA. Open to 3k, player to my left makes it 15k, Bryan Sumner tanks and I'm pretty sure he's re-raising, and then he suddenly shakes his head and mucks. I obv shove my last 9k in or whatever, he calls, and AA good over 33. Jxx flop, Sumner had JJ.

I pick up some blinds, pick up a small pot, and am around 58k when I start this hand. I open KK from the hijack to 4500 for two reasons. One, I didn't want to screw around with the hand. I wanted to get it in and get it in now. I had been very active and my bigger than standard raise would look weak increasing my chances that I get re-raised (2nd reason). Sumner is in the BB and thinks for a bit, thinks about what I'm up to, and calls. Flop J 7 6 . He checks, I bet 8k, he thinks for a bit and is clearly thinking about raising or calling. Period. He finally just calls. Turn the ever lovely jack of something. Obv I hate that card, but his range is wide and doesn't necessairly include a jack. He checks, I bet 16k, leaving myself with 26k.

Some people think I should have checked turn, others think my bet is perfect. By checking, I'm keeping the pot small, avoiding getting put all in and to a decision, and giving a free card.

By betting 16k, I am basically committing myself to the pot. There's 26.5+16k in the pot on the turn. If he shoves, he's putting in 42k, so it's costing me 26k for a shot at 84k, just over the 3-1 that I estiamted. It's highly unlikely anybody that bets 16 of 42k on the turn with that scary of a board is ever folding to a shove.

Sumner shoved.

Now I really hated life. His timing was perfect on all streets, he had a tight image, the bet sizes made sense, and everything pointed to the fact that he is really never bluffing there. But, he realized all this too, and furthermore realized that I realized all this, and probably even went to the level that I was thinking on when I bet the 16k the likelihood of me holding an overpair and vomiting when getting shoved on. Then, to cap it all off, he had to deduce that i was good enough to lay down AA, KK, or QQ with such a short stack getting 3:1.

The sick part is that Jx, 77, 88, and JJ are also in my range there.

So, all those things to happen. Materially he had to hit a J or 8 to win the pot, cause a 7 or 6 is not scaring me off the pot. Then, after all that, he has to execute in such an impossible spot, and then I had to make a monster laydown. I finally mucked deducing that there was absolutely no way he's bluffing more than 10% of the time, and since that's all I'm beating at this point, I can't call for 3:1 even with tournament value considered cause I can still play with 26k.

He pretty much owned my face.

So, puke. I got the rest of it in bad with AQ vs. a shorty awho's range was AT-AK and QQ or less, and he properly had AK. No good for me, all in on the BB T9 v AQ no good.

Frustrated. 24 straight no cashes right now.

I'm playing so well right now. I'm seeing spots and making plays that I've never seen before. I've learned a ton from playing a ton online and hanging with these online studs about accumulating chips and I truly believe it's what even got me this far.

Course, one of those spots yesterday cost me the maximum, but that was pretty unlucky, and the JJ v QQ in the 5k was pretty unlucky with the read a little off - but QQ didn't make sense.

Anyways, last fall I had a crappy streak too, and knew I was on my game, and predicted a win within two months, and that happened. Long dead steak, predicted big cash, happened. Long dead streak, here I am once again, I'm on my game... something big's coming by the end of the year.

Peace and good luck,


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