Monday, May 28, 2007

Lazy Days on the Water

I'm so glad I don't have a job. I'm currently sitting in my board shorts with my shirt off on a deck twenty feet from the Colorado River. I just finished playing a short session online. I got it all-in on the flop with AJ on a 742 board vs. 56 and won all the monies with ace high when the board bricked out. There is a cold beer to my left, hot wings on the BBQ behind me, and tan women in bikinis in front of me laying out.

God my life sucks.

And that's pretty much how it's been for the last nine days. After my session last Saturday when I won $3k I immediately left to the lake and stayed there til monday evening, went back tuesday evening til wednesday evening, and then left Thrusday as soon as we woke up to come to the river house in Needles, CA.

Memorial weekend has been an annual trip with many of my friends from high school and many friends that we've made along the way. Names you'd recognize are the three roomies Jared, Danny, and Gil, Shawn (Danny's brother), Nick, and about a dozen others from various places.

When we arrived thrusday we had nine 36 packs of Coors Light.

We had to buy more beer on Saturday. Sick.

Most amusing moment thus far: while floating home drunk on the boat Sunday morning we were lighting fireworks off the boat. An errant spark went through Danny's board shorts and melted directly to his weiner. He seriously has a burn blister on his unit.

It's been an awesome trip doing some R&R getting ready for the series. I'm pretty fired up to play some cards. I've been sneaking off to squeeze in online sessions here and there and playing before going to bed. I haven't experienced that feeling in quite a long time.

Peace and good luck,


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