Tuesday, January 25, 2005

More tough topics

My students and I wrestled with the topic of "What does Jesus think about homosexuals?" this past Sunday. Special thanks to JR Briggs for his teaching notes from a couple months past.

It has been fascinating going through these tough topics with a small group of high school students. I have a sign up in the youth room that says, "No Sunday School Answers Allowed." They have done a fine job of adhering to that rule. So when we dive into these tough topics, they open up - and oftentimes the discussion takes an avenue towards the core issues that they have questions about.

High school boys. Talking objectively about homosexuality. It makes me laugh just thinking about it. Their favorite response to anything that they don't like in the slightest is, "That's gay." You could hear a pin drop in the room when I delivered the big point of the study. "Homosexuality is wrong, but it is just as wrong as out judgmental, unaccepting, and unloving attitude towards them." I really hope that it hit home for some of them. I cannot imagine what it must be like for them (homosexuals). Put ourselves in their shoes for a moment. Take your deepest struggle in your heart and turn it into a social taboo. For simply having a struggle you have become outcast from society. When I think about it like that, and I think about the homosexual friends that I have, it definitely brings those thoughts home.

This week I tackle drugs and alcohol. Should be interesting as well. A couple of months ago in a game of "I've Never..." I discovered that at least a third of my students have drank before. That one goes directly to my heart - because I don't want to see them walk down the road that I have already traveled.

On a lighter note, I am flying out to Minnesota to see Shay in 36 hrs, 11 minutes. I'm very much excited - except for the cold of course. I've been wearing sandals and Hawaiian shirts here in Colorado for the past several days - weather that the Southern California boy in me has no desire to leave. Speaking of no desire to leave, several months ago I would have told you there was no possible way that I would be leaving Colorado any time soon. I even considered the possibility of a woman - and my conclusion? She would be moving here. Period. I was wrong. Funny things we do for love.

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