Friday, January 21, 2005

Men, Women, and Answers

"In this book I do not directly address the question of why men and women are different. This is a complex question to which there are many answers, ranging from biological differences, parental influence, education, and birth order to cultural conditioning by society, the media, and history." -John Gray, Ph. D: Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus

No it's not. It's a simple question with one answer. We were designed differently. Men carry the masculine traits of God and women posses the feminine traits of God.

But that answer does not work for science.

Have you ever noticed how close science comes to explaining so many things while completely missing the point? All those influences listed by Dr. Gray are completely valid - but the miss the root of the issue.

Every Sunday morning there is a "Children's Sermon" which more often turns into "Congregational Entertainment." Before Christmas in one of these the kids were asked what they would like to see under the tree. One boy answered, "A machine gun!" The body burst into laughter as the mother hid from embarrassment. The father was not very involved in the boy's life - I can GUARANTEE you this wasn't a product of "parental influence". Shortly thereafter a girl answered "A pretty dress." Now we know where cooties came from. What a stark difference in these children from the earliest points of childhood!

We in the emerging church talk often about communicating the greatest story ever told to a postmodern culture. We have the answers to questions that society lacks. Yet in the past generations we have lost the power of the story. We ourselves are active characters in the metanarrative of this world. How do we, as emerging leaders, bring life back into this story so that it again captures the hearts and minds of a relativistic culture?

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