Friday, November 23, 2007


Man, this is great. What a world of difference confidence makes. I get picked up, I get a great boost of confidence, I get a 1st, 3rd, and 9th in nine tournaments.

Today I played the 100r and fuper on stars, the 55k and 30r on tilt, and the 129 on UB. I took 9th in the 100r after running bad early for 3 unnecessary rebuys. I sucked out greeeeeat a couple of times deep (although I belonged in both pots) and thought for sure the tourney was mine when I got in a race on the final table and busted 9th. It felt good though... that was the first time I have cashed in the 100r.

Meanwhile, I was down to two tables in the FTP $55k (same one I've won and seconded in). I did an excellent job of accumulating chips and sizing bets tonight. By the time we reached the bubble, I had established my standard open to 2.1x bb and was getting zero resistance about 75% of the time. It was sick. On the final table I had a nice little lucksack moment when I got it all in 3rd in chips from the SB vs. the BTN who was 2nd in chips with A K v A K . I calmly said, "Clubs?" Flop 3 of em, river the fourth. EZ game.

The guy I got heads up with was soooooo passive. If he played even a bit of normal he would've lasted about ten minutes, but he was so passive that he didn't stack off with an overpair on an 832 limped pot when I flopped top and bottom (he open limped btn with KK... thanks buddy.). He also didn't stack off when I had an overpair vs. his top pair, just calling all 4 streets.

I digress. Great night. I'm feeling great. I'm so stoked for the five diamond coming up. Estoy en fuego ahora. Ten cuidado!

Thanksgiving was surprisingly good. I hate spending holidays away from family but that's how it worked out this time around. I ended up hanging at a friends house, coming home by five and playing the online tourneys, went over to Jon Eaton's house to meet Platts who was staying there, FTing the 100r, winning the $55k, and then going to Jared's bar to chill. It was a fantastic night.

I love playing in a living room with stud poker players. It's so good to bounce ideas and thoughts and hands and bad beat and good beat stories and just general support off of players that are in your caliber and especially when they're better than you. Everybody improves, the guy deep in a tournament will play better, and work is suddenly more fun. I really need to make a more concentrated effort to play my online tourneys with other fellas and thus help both our results.

OK... night y'all.

Peace and good luck,


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