Tuesday, May 10, 2005

A Blackjack Table and a Bible

Crazy awesome night.

Last night at Pierced Tom spoke about how God is present everywhere. He talked about how he has "God moments" most often in the woods - in nature, within God's creation. But about how he needs to learn to experience God everywhere, in the midst of our daily lives.

Tonight I experienced God first hand in the most unlikely of places.

After my shift ended tonight, I sat down at one of the empty blackjack tables where Wendy was standing over a dead-spread (an open game without any players). We got to talking about Minnesota, about why I'm going there and she's not coming here, etc, etc. She asked what Shay does, and I mentioned that she's a youth pastor. Suddenly we launched into a spiritual discussion. She asked a question about why God caused the flood, and I went to my truck to grab my Bible and find the answer. Thus we found ourselves huddled over a beat up old brown leather Bible sitting on the green felt of a casino blackjack table - that was open. Instead of chips and cards it was a Bible and conversation. Within half an hour instead of the two of us sitting there, it was five of us. Another dealer, the pit boss, and a cocktail waitress. One was Lutheran. Another pagan. Another "spiritual but not religious". Myself the Christian who hates religion. Another who sat back and listened. And conversation happened. There was no arguing. There was no debating. There was no apologetics. There was the sharing of life. Of experiences. Of beliefs.

Did my words change minds? I doubt it. But I believe that my words planted seeds that the Spirit can use. My words may be able to change minds, but they cannot change hearts - that is the work of God.

I was extremely encouraged and grateful to see fruits from the relationships that I have been developing over the past two months. It is awesome to see that even while I am not any longer employed to be in the ministry, my life is still a ministry. This message of the gospel we carry in clay pots that are our ordinary lives.

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