Saturday, December 04, 2004

Common Threads

I can't seem to get away from this theme in my recent life about the common ground found between Christian individuals. When we share an identical core identity found in Christ we enter into community fluidly. Some various events have spurred on this thought.

Tonight on my way up to Boulder I spent over a hour and a half on the phone with somebody a thousand miles away who I have never met. The time passed without notice. We talked about youth ministry (she is also a youth pastor). We talked about God moments in our week. We talked about things that don't matter but allowed us to share laughter together. We shared challenges, struggles, encouragement, and stories of life. How does that work? How often can you talk with somebody for 90 minutes and feel like you've known them your whole life? Perhaps the glimpse of similarities that you see in the other person that remind you so much of yourself that you can finish the stories that they are living? Possibly the connection of shared emotional struggles to the point that you can feel that person's hurt? I don't know. It's weird (but awesome!) when you can *feel* somebody smile through a phone, or just know that you're receiving "the look".

How much of our beings are spiritual? The Spirit dwells within each of us. The same spirit. What kind of impact does that have on relationships? Is it the Spirit's influence when you know what the other person is thinking? Or is it the simple deductive logic of interpersonal relations? Too bad CS Lewis isn't around anymore to tear these thoughts apart.

I am currently sitting at a computer in the library of the AGO house here in Boulder. This weekend is the pledges' informal initiation - known as "Big I". This weekend has had significant impact on my own personal walk with Christ to the extent that I have one of the theme verses tattooed on my right calf. I went through the event in Los Angeles. They are going through the same event here in Boulder. I met guys tonight who I have never heard of before, but threads of our lives are interwoven in a common quilt. On the surface we are members of the same fraternity, a fraternity for eternity, a fraternity with purposes based on the one true God. And again that is what it comes back to. Perhaps this is a taste of what the church really should be? A body of believers, united by ONE Spirit. Our motivations, our purposes, and the drive behind who we are all come from the same Spirit.

So many questions, but all I know is that I love it. I love feeling connected to somebody who I have never shaken hands with. I love having brothers that I have never met. I love being caught up in the greatest Epic of all time, swooned in the greatest love story of all time, and warrior in the greatest war story of all time. What will my chapter be about? What role will I hold? I can do nothing but simply smile and shake my head as I am overwhelmed with these thoughts. Even as I write these words I am reminded about how I fail and I am unworthy to hold any place in the ranks. All I have to do is remember that I was chosen because I am loved, not because I am capable. I must be faithful. Not successful - I must simply be faithful with what God has given me right now.

Thanks Daddy.

Now I have to go work on my "skills".

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